Beginning has always been difficult for me. While I expected it to be a bang which would propel me to the completion of the task, the initial "energy" would always fizzle out making me wonder what a mystery "The Start" was!
With experience, I could analyze the beginning not as a temporary high but as a process with many levels.
The energy- It is the initial high, the excitement to start something new.
The reality- After the excitement one gets to know the ground reality, rules and restrictions.
The struggle- I consider this as the most important phase. This is where one either makes adjustments to accommodate the sacrifices or quits. This is where war between the existing habits and the required skills is at its peak.
The persistence- In this level one has made peace with the sacrifices. The habits are slowly changing and one is in for the long haul.
The energy again- This is a sweet phase where one reaps the reward. The battle of beginning has been won and skills of the subjects are getting mastered.